Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Analysis Of Family Structure And Dynamics Social Work Essay Essay Example

A Analysis Of Family Structure And Dynamics Social Work Essay Essay Example A Analysis Of Family Structure And Dynamics Social Work Essay Essay A Analysis Of Family Structure And Dynamics Social Work Essay Essay The construct of household individuality can be defined as a household s subjective apprehension of world based on shared beliefs and experiences that determine how single members interact and associate to each other and the universe outside the household ( Bennett, Wolin, McAvity, 1988 ) . Throughout my childhood my household had two individualities: a public individuality that was shaped by social outlooks and norms, and a private individuality that was governed by the alone demands and issues that plagued our household life. From a public position we were a traditional in-between category household complete with a married twosome, three kids, and two Canis familiariss. We lived in a modest but nice place in a suburban community, my sisters and I attended private schools, and we were financially unafraid. However, few people were cognizant of the struggle, pandemonium, and maltreatment that occurred behind closed doors within our place. Our private individuality, characterized by d ysfunctional behaviours and interactions that occurred between assorted members of the household, told a really different narrative. The construction or organisation of my household based on forms of interactions, subsystems, and boundaries is of import in understanding the kineticss within my household of beginning ( Minuchin, 1974 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . The genogram, or household diagram, provided in the appendix illustrates a multigenerational position of construction and relationships within my drawn-out household ( Bowen, 1978 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . However, for the intent of this paper I will concentrate on the construction of my household of beginning. My household consists of my male parent, Gerald, my female parent, Alma, and three kids: Michelle, the eldest, Jennifer, the in-between kid, and myself the youngest kid. Our household construction was governed by familial functions, regulations, and outlooks ( Nichols, 2011 ) . My male parent held the function of fiscal supplier within the household. His duty was to guarantee that the household had fiscal security. My female parent maintained the function of health professional and leader. She was the materfamilias of the household and was charged with the undertaking of keeping every facet of the place and household. My oldest sister was the whipping boy and defender within the household. Family issues were frequently projected onto her coercing her to take duty and incrimination for household disfunction ( Shulman, 2006 ) . She besides held the function of defender within the sibling subsystem, and often shielded my in-between sister and I from danger and injury within and outside the place. My in-between sister was the quiet member and theoretical account kid of the household. She is inactive and seldom expressed sentiments sing household issues, and ever made an effort to fulfill familial outlooks and demands ( Shulman, 2006 ) . As the youngest kid, I played the function of gatekeeper within the household. My end as the gatekeeper was to utilize my humor and wit to assist the household return to a province of homeostasis by easing tensene ss and reconstructing composure and peace within the household ( Shulman, 2006 ) . My household was besides governed by a set of explicit and implicit regulations and outlooks ( Nichols, 2011 ) . Explicit regulations and outlooks consisted of good behaviour, high academic accomplishment, and the completion of assorted jobs and responsibilities within the family. Implicit regulations helped strengthen household secrets and included maintaining household issues private, and prohibiting household members to discourse or admit the disfunction within the household. Additionally, my household operated as a closed system with stiff boundaries restricting input from outside beginnings ( Minuchin, 1974 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . We were non unfastened or welcoming to outside influences and support ; instead, we internalized familial issues and jobs. My female parent s mental unwellness complicated household kineticss and contributed to the pathology within the place. My female parent has Borderline Personality Disorder which made her a polarising presence within our place due to her frequent tantrums of fury and unstable mental wellness ( Nichols, 2011 ) . Therefore, the household s attending and energy was chiefly focused on my female parent and her demands ( Nichols, 2011 ) . My female parent would often displace her choler and fury onto my sisters and I in the signifier of physical and emotional maltreatment. Her behaviour affected relationships, boundaries, and fond regard forms within the household as illustrated in the household genogram. My female parent exhibited an anxious-ambivalent fond regard to my male parent due to her at hand fright of forsaking ( Bowlby, 1988 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . She urgently desired my male parent s love and attending, but would act in ways that created struggle and pandemonium within the matrimo nial subsystem ( Bowlby, 1988 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . As a consequence, my male parent developed an anxious-avoidant fond regard to my female parent, which resulted in him making a stiff boundary within the matrimonial subsystem in order to protect and distance himself from my female parent s choler and attendant feelings of helpless and defeat ( Bowlby, 1988 ; Minuchin, 1974 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . My parents were involved in a cyclical pursuer-distancer form of interaction that resulted in my male parent s detachment within the matrimonial subsystem ( Minuchin, 1974 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . The kineticss, boundaries, and fond regards between the parental and kid subsystems were every bit complicated. The relationship between my female parent and my oldest sister was filled with struggle and tenseness. My female parent was exceptionally opprobrious to my oldest sister which resulted in the constitution of disorganised fond regard ( Bowlby, 1988 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . My oldest sister perceived my female parent as terrorization ; yet, she urgently desired nurturance from my female parent and fluctuated between distancing herself from my female parent and urgently seeking comfort and security ( Bowlby, 1988 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . My oldest sister and my female parent were psychologically and emotionally entwined or fused with one another despite old ages of maltreatment ( Bowen, 1978 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . My in-between sister established an anxious-avoidant fond regard with my female parent ( Bowlby, 1988 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . As a kid, my in-between sister seldom sought aid, counse l, or comfort from my female parent as a consequence of the maltreatment she endured and my female parent s inability to adequately turn to her demands for safety and comfort ( Bowlby, 1988 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . I established an anxious-ambivalent fond regard to my female parent in which I urgently depended on her for emotional support and encouragement despite her maltreatment, but seldom received equal comfort and nurturance ( Bowlby, 1988 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . My sisters and I have an anxious-avoidant fond regard with my male parent as a consequence of his inability to systematically supply us with comfort and safety in response to my female parent s maltreatment ( Bowlby, 1988 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . The household kineticss, nevertheless, strengthened the sibling subsystem. My sisters and I have a secure fond regard and are able to trust on each other for support, comfort, and nurturance in the face of hardship ( Bowlby, 1988 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . Culture and ethnicity besides played an built-in function in my household individuality and kineticss. My parents are first coevals Mexicanos and were raised in households that emphasized traditional Mexican cultural values and beliefs including a strong committedness to household, regard, trust, and faith ( Rothman, Gant, Hnat, 1985 ) . However, my parents raised my sisters and I in a bi-cultural environment that incorporated assorted facets of American and Mexican civilization and traditions. My parents emphasized trust, regard, and committedness within the household, but they besides introduced American linguistic communication, nutrient, jubilations, and values including a focal point on individualism, privateness, and accomplishment ( Rothman et al. , 1985 ; Beane, 2011 ) . Additionally, contrary to traditional Mexican civilization, there was a stronger accent on immediate instead than extended household ( Rothman et al. , 1985 ) . Religion was besides an of import cultural face t of our lives. My household is Catholic and placed a strong accent on spiritual beliefs and rites such as praying before repasts and go toing church together every Sunday. Family Crisis/Transition In June of 1992 my household, as we knew it, changed everlastingly. My male parent left our place without any anterior notice or treatment and filed for divorce from my female parent. His abrupt and unforeseen going from our place left every household member fighting with feelings of daze, confusion, contempt, choler, and anxiousness. The initial stage of the divorce procedure is identified as the most nerve-racking clip for a household due to the alterations in household construction as a consequence of the absence of a parent, and subsequent force per unit areas and demands for household members to take on new functions and duties ( Cooper, McLanahan, Meadows, Brooks-Gunn, 2009 ; Kelly A ; Emery, 2003 ) . Additionally, households frequently experience important alterations in socioeconomic, societal, and wellness resources as the consequence of a divorce that frequently increases the degree of emphasis within a household and complicates the header and version procedure ( Cooper et al. , 2009, p. 559 ; Kelly A ; Emery, 2003 ) . Harmonizing to the ABC-X Model of Family Crisis, a household s ability to set and get by with passages and crises is based on the interaction of the undermentioned variables: A-the state of affairs or stressor event, B-available resources, C-the household s perceptual experience of the event, and X-the grade of emphasis or crisis experienced by a household ( McKenry A ; Price, 1994 ) . Let us now apply the ABC-X Model of Family Crisis to analyse my household s initial response to the nerve-racking passage of my parents divorce. The stressor confronting my household was the separation, and subsequent divorce, of my parents which left the household in a province of hurt and significantly altered our household individuality, construction, kineticss, and operation. My male parent s absence resulted in important fiscal adversity for the household, which forced my female parent to come in the work force and take on the new and unfamiliar function of fiscal supplier. The duty and demands of this new function affected my female parent s ability to keep her health professional function within the household. As a consequence, my sisters and I had to take on many of her duties within the place. Initially, my oldest sister took on the function of health professional in my female parent s absence. However, my oldest sister left for college shortly after my male parent s going which resulted in important alterations to the sibling subsystem and farther complicated our household s ability to accommodate and get by. My in- between sister was forced to abandon her usual function as the quiet member, and presume the function of defender and health professional. This new function placed a great trade of force per unit area on my in-between sister and changed the moral force within the new sibling couple by increasing tenseness. Additionally, I was no longer able to successfully ease household tenseness and pandemonium as the gatekeeper, and assumed the new function of assisting my in-between sister maintain the family. The divorce besides affected household fond regard demands, boundaries, and relationships. After the divorce, my male parent was physically and emotionally cut-off from my female parent and the remainder of the household ( Bowen, 1978 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . My sisters and I had no contact with my male parent for a twelvemonth following the divorce, which created a stiff boundary between him and the kid subsystem and contributed to our inability to accommodate our heartache and heal ( Minuchin, 1974 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . Additionally, boundaries between the parental and kid subsystems, and within the sibling subsystem, became more diffuse as a consequence of the new functions and duties of each household member ( Minuchin, 1974 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . The alterations in household construction forced my in-between sister to take on more of a parental function within the sibling subsystem. Additionally, my female parent was unable to pass as much clip within the place due to the demands of her n ew function as fiscal supplier, which created a distance and detachment between the parent and kid subsystems ( Minuchin, 1974 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . My female parent s relationship with my oldest sister was every bit affected as a consequence of the passage. After she left place, my oldest sister was able to emotionally divide or cut-off my female parent and the pandemonium within the place ( Bowen, 1978 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . However, my oldest sister continued to supply emotional support within the sibling subsystem. My female parent s mental unwellness complicated her ability to get by with the passage and adequately turn to the attachment demands of my sisters and I ( Minuchin, 1974 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . Despite the complicated and helter-skelter relationship we each had with my female parent we urgently needed and wanted her comfort, counsel, and nurturance in response to the hurting, confusion, and anguish we were experiencing. However, my female parent s ain emotional instability rendered her unable to adequately turn to our demands for fond regard. My female parent was preoccupied with her ain demands for emotional comfort and responded in a cold and rejecting mode to our demand for comfort and security. Rather, my in-between sister and I were forced to supply comfort and consolation to my female parent and set our ain demands aside. This function reversal further complicated the interactions and boundaries between the parent and kid subsystems. Culture besides influenced my household s perceptual experience of the divorce and ability to get by with the passage. The disintegration of a matrimony and household is non good accepted within the Mexican civilization due to the strong accent on household connexion and committedness. In fact, households that experience divorce are frequently shamed and ostracized by drawn-out household as was the instance in our household system. My maternal grandparents expressed contempt and letdown in my female parent s inability to salve her matrimony and household, which created more tenseness within our household. Additionally, divorce was uncommon within our suburban community. We were the first household in our community to see a divorce and this contributed to my household s feelings of embarrassment and shame. The divorce besides altered our household s public individuality of the ideal in-between category household, and revealed some of the struggle and pandemonium within our place. Our household individuality now reflected matrimonial strife and a broken place. Our spiritual beliefs besides complicated our ability to accommodate after the divorce. Divorce is non supported or condoned within Catholicism which increased our feelings of embarrassment and shame in the Catholic community. My household had limited entree to resources following the divorce. As antecedently mentioned, our household operated as a closed system which complicated our ability to achieve equal fiscal, societal, and emotional support and aid from external systems ( Minuchin, 1974 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . Our socioeconomic position, fiscal resources, and criterion of life were significantly minimized. We transitioned from being a financially unafraid in-between category household to populating below the poorness line in a affair of months. Our entree to societal support was besides limited as a consequence of the stiff boundaries dividing my household from external systems of support such as household friends and mental wellness professionals ( Minuchin, 1974 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . Rather, each member of the household sought single resources within and outside the household to assist relieve emotional hurt and achieve support. For illustration, my sisters and I sought support from external systems incl uding friends and instructors ( Nichols, 2011 ) . We besides relied on the unafraid fond regard we had with each other for emotional support and counsel ( Bowlby, 1988 ; Nichols, 2011 ) . My female parent sought emotional support from extended household, the kid subsystem, and her new colleagues. My parents divorce was an unexpected event that significantly increased the degree of emphasis within my household and contributed to alterations in household individuality, construction, functions, relationships, and resources. My household s opposition to seek and accept external resources and back up farther complicated our ability as a system to retrieve from our loss and adaptively header with the passage. Cultural influences besides contributed to a negative assessment of the state of affairs. My household s negative perceptual experience of the divorce resulted in feelings of hopelessness and desperation instead than an accent on problem-solving and growing ( McKenry A ; Price, 1994 ) . This negative perceptual experience significantly inhibited our ability to adaptively get by with the passage and associated stressors. My household was able to readapt construction and functions, but lacked coherence and stableness. The apogee of the event, the deficiency of sufficient resou rces, and the negative perceptual experience of the passage resulted in my household s assessment of the event as a crisis that disrupted equilibrium, increased force per unit area and emphasis within the household system, and negatively affected household operation ( McKenry A ; Price, 1994 ) . meotite sed the degree of emphasis within my household and contributed to the

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Dispute Resolution

Dispute Resolution Plan Motivation is the willingness to do something and is conditioned by this action’s ability to satisfy some type of need for the individual. A need, in this sense, is a psychological deficiency that makes certain outcomes appear attractive. When a need is unsatisfied, it creates tension which stimulates drive in an individual. These drives can generate a search for a particular goal that if attained will satisfy the need. It will also lead to the reduction of tension (Robbins, 2001). Employees, who are motivated, are in a state of tension. In order for the employee to relieve this tension, they will engage in some type of activity. The greater the tension, the more activity will be needed to bring them relief. When an employee is working hard at some activity, we can conclude that they are driven by a desire to achieve a goal that has value to them (Robbins, 2001). When interviewing for the National Director of Customer Service position at Entergy Integrated Solutions, which was a subsidiary of Entergy Corporation, the question never occurred to ask how raises were given. One of the requirements for this position was for the person to have a bachelor’s degree. I was in the process of achieving a degree in Business Management degree when joining Entergy. I have assumed that when my annual review came up to date, I would have completed my degree and have shown them the type of valuable employee that they had acquired, that a raise would be appropriate. I also assumed that with a large company like this, each employee would receive an annual review from their supervisor, which would follow with some type of monetary raise. Upon completing my degree and only one month away from being employed at Entergy Integrated Solutions a year, I started asking other employees what type of review system was in place. What type of reward system was in place? As much as to my surprise, I was informed that employee... Free Essays on Dispute Resolution Free Essays on Dispute Resolution Dispute Resolution Plan Motivation is the willingness to do something and is conditioned by this action’s ability to satisfy some type of need for the individual. A need, in this sense, is a psychological deficiency that makes certain outcomes appear attractive. When a need is unsatisfied, it creates tension which stimulates drive in an individual. These drives can generate a search for a particular goal that if attained will satisfy the need. It will also lead to the reduction of tension (Robbins, 2001). Employees, who are motivated, are in a state of tension. In order for the employee to relieve this tension, they will engage in some type of activity. The greater the tension, the more activity will be needed to bring them relief. When an employee is working hard at some activity, we can conclude that they are driven by a desire to achieve a goal that has value to them (Robbins, 2001). When interviewing for the National Director of Customer Service position at Entergy Integrated Solutions, which was a subsidiary of Entergy Corporation, the question never occurred to ask how raises were given. One of the requirements for this position was for the person to have a bachelor’s degree. I was in the process of achieving a degree in Business Management degree when joining Entergy. I have assumed that when my annual review came up to date, I would have completed my degree and have shown them the type of valuable employee that they had acquired, that a raise would be appropriate. I also assumed that with a large company like this, each employee would receive an annual review from their supervisor, which would follow with some type of monetary raise. Upon completing my degree and only one month away from being employed at Entergy Integrated Solutions a year, I started asking other employees what type of review system was in place. What type of reward system was in place? As much as to my surprise, I was informed that employee...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Healthcare - Essay Example Clinical privileging, however, is not required by the NCQA whereas the Joint Commission mandates the need for the resources that would be able to support clinical privileges. All in all, there are both subtle and glaring differences and they could be primarily found in the accreditation standards. Also, there is the fact that NCQA puts emphasis on consumers as well as employers through the information they release that focus on their classifications of healthcare organizations according to quality. 2) Follow this link: Note the size and corporate structure of the joint commission. Why are the â€Å"firewalls† necessary?   The so-called â€Å"firewalls† or policies drafted and being implemented that serve as barriers between the numerous subsidiaries the Joint Commission are necessary because they address criticisms about the fairness, ethics and conflicts of interest when a subsidiary could undermine the accredi tation standards of the organization. For instance, Joint Commission Resources – a Joint Commission subsidiary – offers consultation services to hospitals with regards to achieving Joint Commission accreditation. Conflict of interest would certainly arise.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Raymond Carver, Analytical paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Raymond Carver, Analytical paper - Essay Example The story tries to explore the notion of different people about love, the uncertainty they face in their love life and the common ideological conflicts they face. In addition, one can see a certain degree of effort from the part of Carver to show the hollowness of the so called ‘true-love’ and its short term nature. The basic ideology the writer tries to express through this story in which nothing happens seems to be that every ‘true love’ contains a certain degree of selfishness as a basic element, and this selfishness haunts every person at varying degrees. In the story, four people sit around a table in an afternoon and start discussion on the topic love while drinking gin. The four people, Terri, her husband Mel, the writer and his wife Laura engage in a discussion on the true meaning of love, though Mel leads the discussion. While Terri and Mel seem to have differences in opinion on the subject, and a greater degree of insecurity too, the other people a ppear strong in their attachment. However, one can see exhibition of selfishness reaching the extent of violence and even killing exhibited by some characters. The first factor that needs to be analyzed seems to be the degree of selfishness expressed by each character. The former love of Terri deserves that place. His love turned a physical obsession with violence. The man loved Terri so much that he even tried to kill her. Terri knows it was love and even now, after marrying Mel, she says ‘I know it was’. As she says it, one can see a rise in the feeling of insecurity faced by Mel and he even strongly argues that true love is spiritual in nature and it has nothing to do with physical. One can see his humble efforts to prove that what Terri got from her first lover was not love. However, Terri seems to possess little idea about the feeling of insecurity her husband faces, or is totally neglecting it, stating again and again that her first lover loved her very much. It s eems from the story that the couple, though sit and drink together, lives in two different poles and have little common consensus. The story makes it clear that though Mel does not like his wife meeting her former lover, she visited him again on his death bed. She accepts the fact that she and Mel spent many days in the fear of that man attacking them, but, even then, she keeps a ‘soft corner’ for him against the wishes of her husband. However, she feels happy, contented, and satisfied in the fact that her husband does not like to talk to his first wife Majorie. She happily explains to others that Mel wishes that Majorie be married again or dies. Thus, the writer succeeds in picturizing how selfishness and obsession are intermingled in the feeling of love. In addition, it shows the female ability to feel for two people at the same time. Terri, based on her personal convenience, jumps from one to another totally ignoring the impact of her activities on the others. Terri even now knows that her first lover loved her and knows very well that Mel loves her. However, she still goes on keeping sentiments for the former lover and yet prefers to live with Mel as it does not involve physical violence. Thus, she adopts a position that is good to no one. Her behavior seems annoying Mel a great deal and that seems to be the reason for his admiration of the narrator’s wife Laura and saying to Laura â€Å"if I did not have Terri, I would fall in love with you†. However, this statement instantly hurts Terri and

Monday, November 18, 2019

Job opportunities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Job opportunities - Essay Example Theories are essential d. Determination, perseverance and diligence IV. Importance of training a. Training with good performers b. Training to be observant c. Training to be cautious d. Training with my communication skills V. Conclusion a. Job opportunities b. Emphasis on importance of education c. Emphasis on importance of training d. Continuing studies As a child, I always dreamed of flying an aircraft one day. I often stood in awe looking up to the sky whenever a plane flew by our place and this stirred my desire even more to be in one of the planes that will fly by our place in the future. I have always been fascinated by planes so that whenever my father told me to buy something as a present, I always asked for a toy plane. I remember removing the parts of my toys, studying how they are made, looking into the inside parts to satisfy my curiosity. Sometimes, I have to keep my toy planes because I cannot put back the parts anymore but there are other times that I successfully man age to reassemble my toys and during those times, I always felt good about myself. This further strengthened my dream to someday work with planes. Airplanes always fascinated me from my childhood days until this time. When I grew older, I stepped up from just playing with toy planes to looking up books about planes and reading them, devouring every information like it was the only food that would sate me. I collected pictures of planes because I can compare the different designs. Looking at photographs, I was amazed even more at how large planes could really be in contrast to the toy cars that I have been used to holding. I understood through the photographs that the planes could be a lot bigger than the people who make them and this struck me so much I have spent more time thinking about how people could create an enormous craft that could carry many people and still be able to lift itself higher than the birds which have nothing to carry but themselves. These circumstances helped me to decide to take aviation engineering in order for me to reach my dreams. Luckily, my parents are very supportive of me and I take it as a great privilege for them to have sent me to a good school where they believe I can earn the knowledge and training necessary for me to succeed in my plans. My education is the first that I have considered in the achievement of my dreams because it is very essential. I know that through education, I can gain the necessary knowledge I should possess in order for me to be able to competently perform my duties as an aviation engineer. The theories that are learned in school definitely are better understood with the help of the different professors and engineers who have the wealth of information and experience. This is the reason why I chose to enroll in a respected school because I believe that the school defines the quality of education provided to students. As a student, I am doing my best to learn the theories related to aviation engineering. There are many difficulties presented through the process but I am determined to finish my studies as a product of my perseverance and diligence. I am reading more books than ever to enrich my knowledge and to widen the scope of information I am receiving from my professors. I am working more intently on my mathematical and drafting skills because they are needed in the course and in my future job. Theories are not always enough in learning so as a part of my preparations; I look forward to training with good performers in the field of

Friday, November 15, 2019

GIS in Asset and Utility Monitoring Management

GIS in Asset and Utility Monitoring Management CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE A detailed literature survey pertaining to the application of GIS in Asset and Utility Monitoring, Management is presented in this chapter. GIS combines location data with both quantitative and qualitative information about the location, letting you visualize, analyze, and report information through maps and charts. Using the technology, we can answer questions, conduct what-if scenarios, and visualize results. GIS is often first identified as a system to manage infrastructure assets and natural resources outside of buildings, but this is only part of the story. Buildings, campuses, military bases, and industrial plants, to name a few, also have geography and can be mapped. It is easier to analyze and manage facility and asset data stored in GIS, making design, construction, and maintenance more efficient and profitable.(ESRI 2010) Ajwaliya and Patel (2014) has done Design and Development of GIS Based Utility Management System covering 39 acre residential area of staff quarters, DOS housing colony, Vikramnagar, Space Applications Centre (SAC). They identified that GIS can be used in many ways to improve the planning, maintenance and management standards. Developed GIS model has been designed to manage utilities for vikramnagar residential colony. Strength of GIS is integrating data and preparing it for analysis or modeling apart from tying together data from various sources makes it an important tool for the planning and decision making. User can display legend of all layers displayed on the Map. P.Smith et. al. (2005) developed Electrical Distribution Model during his research on Electrical Distribution Modeling: An Integration of Engineering Analysis and Geographic Information Systems found that the integration of GIS and power system analysis efforts provides added functionality to the management of utility systems. As competition increases and as information technologies advance, a utility’s data becomes more and more valuable as a corporate resource. As a result, sharing information becomes very important to the efficiency of an organization. Though his research a small-scale integration, he highlights the ability of GIS to initiate full integration of electric utility information. The technique of integration and the role of GIS within the envelope of the entire information system can take many forms. Blachut et al. (1979) remarked that, The availability of detailed and up-to-date cartographic representations of underground utility lines (as water supply, sewage system, electrical grid, gas network, district heating network, telecommunications and wiring network, oil pipelines) is very useful for network facility management, both for private companies and for local administrations. References from Books: Blachut, T.J., Chrzanowski A. Saastamoinen J.H. 1979. Urban Surveying and Mapping: 221-234. Springer-Verlag, New York (USA). Metje et al. (2007) noted that To obtain a sufficiently accurate and complete representation of the underground, a dedicated and extended survey is required. Non-invasive surveying can be performed with traditional topographic methods or by GPS positioning, by measuring the positions of the surface elements of the networks, like manholes, catch basins, transformers, hydrants, exchange boxes, etc., and subsequently inferring the presence and the approximate planar location of the buried lines. Another possibility is the GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) technique. References from Journals: Metje, N., Atkins, P.R., Brennan, M.J., Chapman, D.N., Lim, H.M., Machell, J., Muggleton, J.M., Pennock, S.R., Ratcliffe, J., Redfern, M.A., Rogers, C.D.F., Saul, A.J., Shan, Q., Swingler, S.G. Thomas, A.M. 2007. Mapping the Underworld. State of the Art Review. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 22(5-6): 568-586. N.cazzaniga et al. (2012) implemented a geographical DB for the storage of data of underground structures and infrastructures. The structure of the DB has been designed based on an approach oriented to the study of the whole process of designing and laying new elements of a utility line. The results were compliant with the requirements of Italian national regulations. This approach allows a good traceability of all collected and archived data, giving the possibility to reconstruct the complete processing chain from the preliminary design of the utility lines to their laying. The Fort Pierce Utilities Authority (FPUA) migrated some of its electric CAD operations into GIS and maintains a dual CAD and GIS system. FPUA serve more than 24,000 electric, 15,000 water, 12,000 wastewater, and 4,700 natural gas customers in Fort Pierce and portions of St. Lucie County, Florida. With the GIS in place, FPUA is working to bring the natural gas and fiber-optic telecommunication service databases into the GIS as well as to integrate them with the water service and wastewater collection GIS.(ESRI 2005) The city of Painesville, Ohio’s utility services include water, electric, storm water, and sewer services. The city has set up a system for government regulation compliance by using GIS. The windfall of meeting the government requirement is that Painesville’s GIS also supports asset management for electric operations, system maintenance and capital improvement planning.(ESRI 2005) Reliable digital data acquisition, robustness, and ease of use were the requirements stipulated by Swisscom AG when it set out to acquire new GNSS instruments to determine the positions of telecommunication infrastructure in the companys country wide fixed-line network. The first requirement was for the measuring sys- tem to provide reliable digital data acquisition to allow data transfer to be extensively automated. Furthermore, the system had to be robust, easy to transport, and able to be used by staff who had no detailed knowledge of surveying. The new satellite- supported surveying system Leica Viva GNSS fulfilled all these requirements – in addition to the GNSS and communications technology, the client was also impressed by the systems’ newly designed, easy to use software, Leica SmartWorx Viva.(Schnichels n.d.) In the past few years the State of Qatar, a peninsula on the Arabian Gulf, has experienced extensive infrastructure development. More than twenty years ago the results of a user needs assessment carried out by the government clearly indicated an enormous need for a fully integrated nationwide GIS. The government then established the Centre for GIS (CGIS) as a department of the Ministry of Municipality Urban Planning. It is based in the capital Doha and became the official mapping agency of the State of Qatar. Since the end of October 2009, many public and private survey and mapping communities have been benefiting from a nationwide Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) network.(Saal 2009) Mary Howard (2014), County GIS Manager has quoted â€Å"we have found excellent return on investment for staffing time during collections as well as the importance of having a reliable end-product.† while collecting data in heavily wooded terrain using Trimble and Floodlight technology. for project consisting of installing a broadband 220 miles of buried fiber cable and 5 wireless relay towers. According to County GIS Manager Mary Howard, a fiber mapping crew used an underground-line-locating device to detect the buried fiber and mark its location. Then a GIS technician recorded the location using the handheld GeoXH unit running Esri ArcPad with Trimble GPSCorrectâ„ ¢ data collection software.(Mary Howard 2014) Jamil et al. (2012) has tried to evaluate main driver in utility mapping, utility agencies, land surveyors and the land surveying profession to meet the demand and challenges in executing the underground utility mapping in Malaysia. JUPEM has developed a national underground utility database called PADU to act as a repository of reliable and accurate underground utility data comprising power and telecommunication cables, gas, water and sewerage pipes provided by the utility agencies in a systematic GIS approach. The data submitted by the various utility agencies are subjected to various checks and verification processes before they are accepted into PADU. However, these checks reveal data of low quality, inaccurate and insufficient to be used as a reference for excavation works. Issues pertaining to data quality, lack of skill and knowledge and the requirement of legislation on underground utility mapping are some of the challenges faced with regards to underground utility mapping in Malaysia. Various initiatives are now being undertaken to overcome these challenges. 1

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Shakespeares View On Love Essay example -- William Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s View on Love Shakespeare’s plays are very drastic with how he ties love into them. Shakespeare always adds comedy or tragedy to any romance that might be taking place. For example in Twelfth Night, As You like It and Romeo and Juliet there is romance but he also puts comedy in there so love is not that easy. In the play Othello he makes it into a tragedy which makes the love even harder to take place. Shakespeare has always found a way to make love as complicated as he can which leads me to believe that he feels that you must work for love and it should not be handed to you. Love is already complicated, but when Shakespeare is involved he makes sure at least two things come around that can make it harder for those who are in love to actually stay in love. Twelfth Night is a romantic comedy which leads to romantic love being the main focus of the play. In this play, Shakespeare shows that love can cause pain. He does this by causing a love triangle which includes; †¢ Viola likes Duke but †¢ Duke likes Olivia and †¢ Olivia like Cesario who is actually Viola disguised as her twin brother. Because of this confusing love triangle, some of the characters seem to view love as a curse. They also claim to suffer painfully from being in love or from the â€Å"pangs† of unrequited love. In Act 1 scene 5, Olivia describes love as a â€Å"plague† from which she suffers terribly. In Act 1 scene 1, Orsino depicts love dolefully as an â€Å"appetite† that he wants to satisfy and cannot. Another example of the characters not â€Å"liking† love is in Act 2 scene 2 when Viola says â€Å"My state is desperate for my master’s love.† This quote relates to the violence in Act 5 scene 1 when Orsino threatens to kill Cesario because he thin... ...and they will go together. Clubs cannot part them.† Act 5 scene 2 †¢ â€Å"This bud of love by summer’s ripening breath may prove a beauteous flower when next we meet.† Romeo and Juliet Act 2 scene 1 †¢ â€Å"She loved me for the dangers I had passed, and I loved her that she did pity them.† Othello Act 1 scene 3 †¢ Give me my Romeo; and, when he shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun. ~Romeo and Juliet †¢ What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. ~Romeo and Juliet †¢ But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? it is the east, and Juliet is the sun. ~Romeo and Juliet †¢ Good night, good night, parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow. ~Romeo and Juliet

Monday, November 11, 2019

Chocolate Research Paper

WOMEN STUDIES ECO-FOOTPRINT PROJECT Topic – Cocoa Beans Production Process Chocolate is a key ingredient in many foods such as milk shakes, candy bars, cookies and cereals. It is ranked as one of the most favourite flavours in North America and Europe. Despite its popularity most people do not know the unique origin of this popular treat. Chocolate is a product that requires complex procedures to produce. The process involves harvesting cocoa, refining coca to cocoa beans, and shipping the cocoa beans to the manufacturing factory for cleaning, coaching and grinding.These cocoa beans will then be imported or exported to other countries and be transformed into different types of chocolate products. Cocoa beans grow in countries like Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Indonesia, Brazil, Nigeria, Cameroon, and Malaysia, but the highest cocoa producing country is Cote d'Ivoire. The production process of cocoa beans include: first, cocoa is harvested manually. The seed pods of cocoa are collecte d and the beans are selected and placed in piles. These cocoa beans are then ready to be shipped to the manufacturer for production.Cocoa grows in pods that sprout off the trunks and branches of cocoa trees. The pods have the shape and almost the size of football. The pods start out green and turn orange when they are ripe. When the pods are ripe they are harvested gently with machetes. Machines can damage the trees or the clusters of flowers and pods that grow on the trunk, so workers have to harvest the pods by hand, using short, hooked blades mounted on long poles to reach the highest fruit. The cocoa seeds then undergo a process of fermentation by placing them in large, shallow, heated trays or by covering them with large banana leaves.If the climate is right, they may be simply heated by the sun. Workers mostly women come along periodically and stir them up so that all of the beans come out equally fermented. This process may take up to five or eight days. After fermentation, t he cocoa seeds are dried before they can be scooped into sacks and shipped to chocolate manufacturers. Farmers simply spread the fermented seeds on trays and leave them in the sun to dry. The drying process usually takes about a week and results in seeds becoming reduced to about half of their original weight.During the production process, labor is not equally divided between men and women who work in the planation; this brings us to the issue of gender division. The gender divide that exists on the cocoa plantation is that most farm work is conducted by men, although most certainly there are tasks where women are very active, such as scooping the beans from the already opened husks, turning the beans during the fermentation and drying process, and sewing the jute sacs needed for the packaging of the dried beans. Women in the farms normally tend to the needs of the family.When female labor is hired during the harvesting time the wages given to them are not the same as those for men. Perhaps another reason why men are preferred is because of their assumed higher productivity rate compared to that of women. Due to different practices followed in individual regions, even within countries, the participation of women and their assigned tasks vary enormously. For instance, because of the popular method of sun drying cocoa beans in Ecuador, it is necessary to â€Å"clean† the beans. This job is mostly undertaken by women.This is not the case in Ghana or Brazil where sun drying is accomplished while protecting the beans from foreign matters and waste. It is interesting to note however that there is no specific pattern for the assignment of tasks to women, except during the harvest when the scooping of the beans from the opened pods is primarily performed by women in most cocoa producing countries. Given the great differences in the systems of production in producing countries it is difficult to find a common percentage that reflects the average participation of the female work force.It is worth mentioning that unlike the coffee agricultural sector, there are no associations or specific groups that house ‘women only’ involved in the cocoa sector at any level, although all associations and cooperatives are open to all who qualify. Due to fluctuation of cocoa prices in the world market, farmers have no long-term security, and in some situations, they do not have enough funds to support their farming business.Cocoa farmers are always faced with financial hardship; they are not able to provide for their families as they would want nor have enough funds to start up their own farming business because they only receive a fraction of the proceeds from the selling of the beans on the world market and there are many people in the trading chain. Cocoa farmers around the world face many challenges. It is estimated that about one-third of global cocoa crops are destroyed by pests and diseases every year. Many cocoa farmers have limited acc ess to the latest agricultural technologies or methods of cultivation and few of them ave business backgrounds to help them effectively market their products and manage their operations. Many of the farming communities live in poverty and are infected with diseases. Industry groups, governments and consumers worldwide have raised concerns about the use of pesticides and child labor on West African cocoa farms. An interview conducted by Christophe Koffi showed that one major problem that women in cocoa production encounter is the lack the of financial capability or backing due to the fact that most of these women find themselves in a male dominated occupation.It is very difficult for them to secure financial aid or loans to manage their farms. For instance, â€Å"Women cannot inherit or even create a cocoa plantation under our patriarch-dominated tradition,† said Vanie, criticising what she called a â€Å"backwards and misogynist† practice† (Koffi, 2008) because w e still live in a patriarchal dominated society where women do not have the right to own lands and properties. This paper further talks about the sustanability in the production process of cocoa.We will be looking at Lindt& Sprungli’s which is a family company and a major producer of chocolate and other cocoa products with a headquaters in Kilchberg, Switzerland. Lindt & Sprungli is one of the few chocolate makers that have complete control over every step of the production chain starting with the precise selection of the finest cocoa varieties from the best growing areas in the world right on through the careful and expert processing until ending with the elegant packaging.Lindt gets its cocoa beans mostly from Ghana and Central and South America. Lindt has been very conservative in the amount of energy its invests in the chocolate production process. Each existing and future facility and investment undergoes very detailed analysis to determine how much energy can be saved. Through better insulation and energy recovery, Lindt & Sprungli was able to cut down on energy consumption by more than 13% per ton produced between 2004 and 2010.The company intends to continue reducing the energy consumption rate per ton produced by an average over the coming years. According to the Lindt publication, The company’s efforts: since 1999, Lindt & Sprungli’s Swiss subsidiary, Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprungli (Schweiz) AG, has been an active member of the Lake Zurich Energy Model Group†¦The Swiss government and independent engineers have audited the progress and as a result, the Swiss subsidiary has been granted the official certificate. Kilchberg, 2012) Since 2007, Lindt & Sprungli under water conservation has been participating in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)†¦Since then, the measurements of water emissions and energy consumption have been largely based on the concept of the ‘Methodology Fossil Fuels’ set out in the CDP P rotocol†¦Waste water, Lindt & Sprungli continuously monitors and analyses the use of water and the output of wastewater in the production process and intends to further reduce the use of fresh water in this process, which, in turn will impact the output of wastewater (Kilchberg, 2012) The major people that benefit from cocoa production are mostly the big corporations. The corporations exploit cocoa farmers in the sense that they do not pay them the true worth of their labour. Women who work on the farms are underpaid and marginalized. There is also the issue of child labor where children of school going age are forced to work on the farms instead of going to school thereby denying them the right to education. The big corporations are not forth coming in releasing information as to how and where they get their cocoa beans from.Most of these African countries where these big corporations get their raw materials from do not have access to good roads, health care facilities, school s, electricity, and there is poverty in most of the communities. These big corporations buy the cocoa beans at a very cheap rate and then import them to the western society and the refined product is processed into different kinds of chocolates (e. g. chocolate drink, chocolate bars of different shapes and sizes and chocolate candies etc. ) which are sold consumers at exorbitant prices considering the price at which the cocoa beans are bought from the cocoa farmers. This explains how capitalism and big corporation exploit cheap labour. Almost everyone enjoys a bit of chocolate every now and again. But if you take a closer look at how cocoa is produced, it may well leave a bitter taste in your mouth.The conditions under which the cocoa farmers in many producer countries live and work are worrying: Despite the fact that cocoa is usually their main source of income, the families struggle to make a living from it. Child labour is not uncommon. As consumers we can work with NGOs to find means of helping the farmers to adapt to new systems of cocoa farming that result higher yields, under socially more acceptable and environmentally friendly conditions, to meet market demands and hence ensure a stable flow income. As a major part of the global cocoa industry which has remained inactive and invisible for so long, consumers of chocolate can demonstrate that they want slavery in the cocoa sector stamped out, and your pressure can highlight their lack of commitment and make them more accountable.Finally all cocoa products, including chocolate, run the risk of being tainted by child labour and slavery. To achieve a satisfactory standard of ethical production in chocolate consumers must help to ensure that companies commit to credible and sufficient actions against such things as use of child labour and the exploitation of cocoa farmers and not make false and unsustainable promises to consumers of being â€Å"slavery- free†. The consumers can liaise with government bodies and NGOs to negotiate fair prices for the purchase of cocoa products and this will in turn help the farmers to gain access to basic social amenities of life. Reference Page Archer, D. (2012).ADM’s commitment to sustainable cocoa. Milwaukee: Copyright 2012 Archer Daniels Midland Company . Clarkson, T. (1998). Anti-slavery. Retrieved November 15, 2012, from www. antislavery. org: http://www. antislavery. org/english/privacy_policy. aspx Kilchberg. (2012, April 22). The environment in the Production Process. Retrieved November 13, 2012, from www. Lindt. com: http://www. lindt. com/swf/eng/company/social-responsibility/lindts-sustainable-cocoa-supply-chain/ Koffi, C. (2008, November 7). Ivory Coast women defy taboos. Retrieved November 11, 2012, from iol News: http://www. iol. co. za/news/africa/ivory-coast-women-defy-taboos-1. 423405

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Miranda Rights

The Supreme Court of the United States of America often makes decisions, which change this great nation in a great way. Often there is a disagreement over their decision: the court itself is often split. The impact of the Courts decision creates discussions and on occasion, violence. This is what happened in the case of Miranda v. Arizona in 1966, this case proven to be one of the most controversial cases in the history of this great nation and its people. This case changed history of this country and left a tremendous impact, which many tried to revisit and change in some way or another. Ernest Miranda was born in 1940 in a little town Mesa, Arizona. His father had emigrated from Mexico and now was supporting the family of tree as a house painter. In 1946 Ernest Miranda lost his mother. His mother's death seemed to mark the end of the happy childhood and the beginning of the troubled youth ("Miranda v. Arizona" 14). It was in the elementary school were Mr. Miranda a chose his way, h is discipline was not acceptable his attendance record shows more absences then days present. He was able to finish the 8th grade but his latter education was stopped by his growing criminal activities his first serious arrest was for car theft, he was convicted and received probation ("Miranda v. Arizona" 14). From then on his criminal record growth to inorams size, it shows that he was arrested and convicted for crime such as burglary for which he was convicted and sends to State Industrial School for Boys at Fort Grant. Only a month after his release he arrested and charged with attempted rape and assault. He was found guilty and returned to Fort Grand in January 1957 Miranda was released from Fort Grant two month latter he was arrested in California for curfew violations and Peeping Tom activities five month after hi was arrested for armed robbery. He was released because the state did not have enough evidence to convict him ("Miranda v. Arizona" 14). Du... Free Essays on Miranda Rights Free Essays on Miranda Rights The Supreme Court of the United States of America often makes decisions, which change this great nation in a great way. Often there is a disagreement over their decision: the court itself is often split. The impact of the Courts decision creates discussions and on occasion, violence. This is what happened in the case of Miranda v. Arizona in 1966, this case proven to be one of the most controversial cases in the history of this great nation and its people. This case changed history of this country and left a tremendous impact, which many tried to revisit and change in some way or another. Ernest Miranda was born in 1940 in a little town Mesa, Arizona. His father had emigrated from Mexico and now was supporting the family of tree as a house painter. In 1946 Ernest Miranda lost his mother. His mother's death seemed to mark the end of the happy childhood and the beginning of the troubled youth ("Miranda v. Arizona" 14). It was in the elementary school were Mr. Miranda a chose his way, h is discipline was not acceptable his attendance record shows more absences then days present. He was able to finish the 8th grade but his latter education was stopped by his growing criminal activities his first serious arrest was for car theft, he was convicted and received probation ("Miranda v. Arizona" 14). From then on his criminal record growth to inorams size, it shows that he was arrested and convicted for crime such as burglary for which he was convicted and sends to State Industrial School for Boys at Fort Grant. Only a month after his release he arrested and charged with attempted rape and assault. He was found guilty and returned to Fort Grand in January 1957 Miranda was released from Fort Grant two month latter he was arrested in California for curfew violations and Peeping Tom activities five month after hi was arrested for armed robbery. He was released because the state did not have enough evidence to convict him ("Miranda v. Arizona" 14). Du...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

buy custom The Impact of Industrial Technology essay

buy custom The Impact of Industrial Technology essay The sheer imagination of a world without industrial technology is devastating, considering the role that these technologies have had on industrial revolution. Before these technologies were invented, both children and adult members of the society had to toil from dawn to dark in order to provide sufficient food, shelter and clothing for all. However, the advent of industrial technology has had an unimaginable impact on the environment of work as well as the manner in which people work. The impacts of industrial technology on the human environment were felt during the first industrial revolution. During this period, revolutionary agricultural techniques, improved methods of iron manufacture and coal production, as well as advanced textile machines were introduced. These advances completely changed the human environment because people were not used to such technologies. The second industrial revolution changed the environment further through the introduction of steamship and railroad transportation, chemicals and other agricultural machinery. Man was compelled to use these technologies in farming and transportation thus chnging the environment. Currently, many people do not depend on others to sustain their own existence. By embracing technology, people have been able to specialize in specific kinds of work. Unlike the jack of all trades of the 19th century, technology enables a typical office worker or factory worker to concentrate on a small bit of work that would otherwise be completed by many people. In the past, people had to use a lot of strength while working because one had to work alone or in small groups to accomplish strenuous activities. Industrial technology has altered this trait of work. Because of industrial technology, Work has now become a repetitive phenomenon that rarely requires an individuals full muscular ability. Industrial technology has enabled many people to reap the fruits of their toil. For example, the existence and growth of the automobile industry provided people with a ready market for their raw materials such as leather, rubber, lead, sheet steel and zinc. Moreover, industrial technology provided numerous employment opportunities. For instance, the growth of the auutomobile industry led to the initial employment of 10,000 persons by 1905. The advent of industrial technology also led to urbanization, which allowed more and more people to relocate to major cities because of the gains that come with technology. Industrial technology has also led to the even distribution of the labor force. Rather than hiring many people to complete a certain task, many organizations can now complete more complex production processes with less people together with technology. Additionally, industrial technology has transformed the manner in which goods are being produced. Unlike in previous years, companies can now produce goods en mass. Unfortunately the mass production of goods only benefits the employers and not employees. Automobile and transportation industry has impacted people in a positive way. Rather than using slow means of transport to and from work, many people can now drive for miles to work. Since industrialization and the use of technology led to lying-off of workers, wage cuts and other forms of employee exploitation, unionism was embraced by many employees to counteract and fight this unnecessary exploitation. Buy custom The Impact of Industrial Technology essay

Monday, November 4, 2019

Crime Increases on Campus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Crime Increases on Campus - Essay Example It is essential for students to be provided a safe and secure environment at the campus they are studying. Such a secure environment may lead to an increased interest of students in their studies as they may feel the campus to be similar to that of their own home. So in order to ensure such an environment for learning, many aspects are needed to be sought out and taken in to consideration. One such important aspect is the safety and security of the students within the campus. In order to be safe and secure a campus requires being adequately equipped with emergency accidental cases as well as the ability to curb the crimes within the campus. The mishaps of campus fierceness have appealed notice of broad publicity recently due to the increased crime rate within campuses. To address this issue there are two ways of addressing the problem. The common law is the foremost that provides regulations regarding the conduct within educational institutions. These laws and regulations are common for all campuses. Another way is the use of administrative authority of the campus to enforce its own formulated regulations to control the campus violence. Besides the authoritative enforcement, the modern technology helps in the attainment of the goal of a safe and sound environment within the campus by bridging the gaps in the security by manual monitoring (Hyland, 2003). Upon completion of project the crime rate within the campus could be declined by 90% resulting in the resolution of campus violence completely. The safe and secure environment will result in increased admissions within the campus and better results. This security plan has been tested by Central Alarm Security Systems in a violent campus within States and the quoted results were attained as the crime rate was declined by 90% within the campus. The installation of CCTV camera system will require 2 days and

Friday, November 1, 2019

HRM of Tesco and Sainsbury Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

HRM of Tesco and Sainsbury - Case Study Example The top managers are the ones who make the most crucial decisions of the organisation. The workers and the customers have no say in the decision making process. The writer now looks at the ways that the workers of these two organisations are motivated by the human resource personnel. This will help the writer in identifying the weaknesses and strengths of each motivation procedure. This is very important considering the fact that the business that the writer wants to embark on will be in the line of these two organisations. Tesco and Sainsbury are the competitors that the writer's grocery store will be up against. In this light, it becomes very important to study the dynamics of two organisations that are at extremes; one a success while the other can be described as a kind of a failure. The writer will examine the motivation that the Tesco management uses on their workers to motivate them to be one of the best in the industry. He will also embarking on checking why Sainsbury workers are not as motivated. At the end of the examination, the writer will have a very good idea of how to motivate his workers. He will combine the best aspects of these two different giants while avoiding or modifying the places that the two had gone wrong. The first task will be to examine the motivation theories that the two sets of managers use to motivate their workers. The strengths and weaknesses of both will be noted. This will be made possible by an examination of the leadership styles employed by the two companies. The second task will be to identify the structure, nature and functioning of groups within the organisations. This is because groups and group dynamics is very important to the operations of an organisation. The writer will note the opportunities and threats that these groups and how they are handled poses to the organisations. Lastly, the impacts of the technology on the functioning of the groups will also be examined. Task 1: An Examination of Motivational Theories in Leadership within Sainsbury and Tesco Companies There are many leadership styles as there are leaders. The style that a particular leader opts to employ will depend on his personality, believes and convictions and also the situation under which he is operating. The type of leadership employed is very important since it is going to determine the fate of the organization: whether it will succeed or not. The different forms of leadership styles that are employed by different managers in motivating their staff account for the varying performance that is found between two or more organizations that employ different approaches to leadership. And this explains the different picture that is Tesco chain of stores and Sainsbury, both in Europe. They are both giants, as far as retail market share is concerned. But Sainsbury is more of a small giant in comparison with Tesco. The latter is the market leader in U.K. But Sainsbury comes a distant third, after Asda. It is not far fetched to claim that the difference between the two performances h as been partly as a result of the different leadership styles that are employed by their leaders in motivating their employees. Task 1a: Leadership Style in Tesco and Sainsbury Tesco The word leadership in Tesco's context brings to mind the leadership style that is practiced by Sir Terry Leahy (Heller: 2005). This is the chief executive who has been on the helm of this giant since 1997 (Heller: 2005). Under his